Al-Kausar Farms LTD.

Mutton Meat and Cuts

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Mutton Meat and Cuts

Mutton Backloin Chop (Puoth) 920gms packed

Mutton Meat and Cuts
PKR 2,280
TBone cuts of fine, clean and lean backloin chop of Mutton. We do not Include liver or kidneys and remove all the fat and clean the Backloin completely and then custom cut in fine Tbone style and pack and then weigh the packaged backloin chop meat.

Mutton (Bone Mix) Pulao/Karahi Cut

Mutton Meat and Cuts
PKR 2,260
Complete Cleaning of whole goat carcass Maximum Leaning Custom cuts, Pulao Mix cutting. Our Pulao mix cut includes tender and meaty parts of the whole Mutton and we prepare all meat of one order from one whole Mutton and same goat. Beautiful Raan, backchop, Shoulder neck and all parts are included in our Pulao cut mix Lean Mutton meat from bucks not more than 6 - 9 months age. We weigh and price the meat after Complete Cleaning leaning and packaging. Free delivery.

Mutton Boneless

Mutton Meat and Cuts
PKR 2,600
Lean tender and soft meat boti cuts from Round and Shoulder of Mutton fully Boneless meat cuts.

Mutton Chops (back & shoulder)

Mutton Meat and Cuts
PKR 2,280

Mutton Mince (Lean)

Mutton Meat and Cuts
PKR 2,500
Mince from Lean Mutton Strips 200 gms and fine tender meat cuts of Shank and Shoulder used for preparing tender meaty Mince of Mutton. 950 gms per Kg packing

Mutton Raan Cuts (Lean clean boti cut 900)

Mutton Meat and Cuts
PKR 2,400
Beautifully assorted meat from Shank. Machine cut. Maximum cleaning and leaning and custom cutting packed in 950 gms packing 200 grams of Lean and clean Mutton Mince packed separately. Usually our Mutton Mince is for 1750/- per kg. But in Raan order we sort and pack the Lean Meat in Mince seperwtely and charge at 1400/- only along with your complete Raan cut packed

Mutton Shanks for Nihari

Mutton Meat and Cuts
PKR 2,400
Full Mutton Comete Cleaning MAX leaning Custom cutting and packing of each part and then we price the final packaged meat

Mutton Shoulder Cut

Mutton Meat and Cuts
PKR 2,400
Front Quarter and front Shoulder Mix (Dasti) Complete Cleaning and Leaning and custom cutting and Mince meat custom packed seperately at rate 1300 per kg

Whole Mutton Raan per Kg (for Roast)

Mutton Meat and Cuts
PKR 2,380
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